Thanks for reading - I just want to do a little full-disclosure. My goal with oe•no•phile is to write entries about wines, wineries, and topics as they relate to the wine industry. To remain transparent I should state that I am employed by Trisaetum Vineyards here in the Willamette Valley, OR. Also one of my housemates works for Soléna Estates in Carlton, OR and authors her own blog,
Vinoculture. While I have reviewed wines from Soléna here and may review Trisaetum wines at some point in the future, I'd like to express that any opinions I give on this blog are purely my own.
My intent with writing about wine is to challenge fellow wine drinkers to always try something new, and to explore wines outside of their "comfort zone." I don't consider it my purpose to tell readers what to drink and what not to drink. I'd rather everyone find something they enjoy rather than buy a certain brand or type of wine for any other reason.